Covid-19 Guidance Document

Covid-19 Guidance Document

The global pandemic that is currently affecting the world has recently led the UK government to taking stringent measures to help the containment of the virus. The new measures affect almost all industries, including the construction sector.

Whilst the repercussions of the pandemic are differing in each country, resources, including people are becoming scarce, accessing supplies has also become a major challenge as the supply chain is currently seeing a delay in the delivery of building materials.

Peter Higgins, NEC4 Contract Board Chair has produced a short guidance document for projects being procured using NEC in the current global pandemic. He outlines the use of Clause 19 and how it can be applied in this situation.

Read the full guidance document

Written by Peter Higgins, NEC4 Contract Board Chair

This document has updated to deal with a number of questions that have been asked.

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