NEC4: Facilities Management Contracts Update

NEC4: Facilities Management Contracts Update

As you may now be aware, the NEC4 Facilities Management Contract (FMC) and NEC4 Facilities Management Subcontract (FMS) have been produced with the support of the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM). Our new set of contracts are specifically for the procurement of facilities management services and to help identify best practice in the sector and establish the way forward.

NEC4: Facilities Management Contract (FMC)

The NEC4 Facilities Management Contract (FMC) is intended to be used for the appointment of a service provider for a period of time to manage and provide a facility management service.

The FMC contract is now available as a pre-publication version here.

NEC4 Facilities Management Subcontract (FMS)

Used by a Service Provider to appoint a Subcontractor, also for a period of time, to manage and provide a part of a service where the Service Provider has been appointed under the NEC4 FMC.

The FMS contract is now available as a pre-publication version here.


NEC4: Facilities Management Contract Bundle

The NEC4 Facilities Management Contract (FMC) bundle also contains the NEC4 Facilities Management Subcontract (FMS) and associated User Guides and Flow Charts. 

The FMS bundle is now available as a pre-publication version here.

These will all initially be available as a prepublication edition via digital download from The remaining documents, along with the first edition of the above documents and supporting Guidance Notes and Practice Notes tailored to localised / regional FM markets, and provide guidance on important themes in the FM industry, will be available from June 2021. Those who have already purchased the prepublications will get twelve months’ complimentary access to the first edition.


Facilities Management Webinar Recording

In support of the launch, NEC hosted a joint webinar with IWFM outlining the processes and features within the contract and why they are a good fit for the FM sector. If you were unable to attend, you can watch the full recording below.

You can also access the presentation slides from the webinar here.


Q&A session 

You can view the written Q&As from the webinar here.


NEC has released a White Paper designed to provide information about the key features of the FM contracts.

Download the White Paper

If you are interested in purchasing the new NEC4: Facilities Management Contract or you would like further information, please contact our sales team on: +44 (0)20 7665 2446 or email us at
















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