NEC4: A Guide for Better Delivery of Projects in the Building Sector
NEC4: A Guide for Better Delivery of Projects in the Building Sector is a practical guide to the effective use of the NEC suite of contracts on building projects. Written for an international readership, the book gives an overview of the NEC4 Suite of Contracts, showing how they can be used to deliver better outcomes on building projects. It also compares the contracts with other standard forms, including JCT 2016, FIDIC and PPC2000 contracts, providing an overview of their structure, applicability, strengths and weaknesses.
Topics covered in the book include the NEC4 procurement options, approaches to risk management, programme, payment and change management, and NEC4 dispute resolution processes. Written in an accessible style, the book clearly explains the benefits of using the NEC contract and will help to dispel a common misperception of the NEC as being solely for civil engineering projects.
NEC4: A Guide for Better Delivery of Projects in the Building Sector is suitable for both experienced professionals and also early career practitioners working on building projects, including contractors, architects, and engineers; consultants and quantity surveyors, and project managers.
- Introduction to the NEC4 suite of contracts
- Building projects versus civil engineering projects
- Building contracts: the JCT contracts
- Building contracts: FIDIC and others
- The NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract
- The NEC4 Engineering and Construction Short Contract
- The NEC4 Professional Service Contract and the NEC4 Term Service Contract
- Comparison of NEC4 and JCT contracts 1: procurement choices and Contractor’s design
- Comparison of NEC4 and JCT contracts 2: risk management, programme management and change management
- NEC contracts in use for building projects
- Conclusion: a comparison of using JCT and NEC4 contracts for building projects
Users should note that the NEC Forms of Contract are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. However, Contract Data forms may be reproduced for the purpose of obtaining tenders, awarding and administering contracts.
Likewise, plagiarising any copyrighted document is illegal. For users seeking to prepare their own bespoke contracts based on the NEC Forms of Contract, please contact NEC at to discuss and obtain a copyright licence.
Product code: L48821-H