Compile, Create and Share with Contract Horizon

Compile, Create and Share with Contract Horizon

Update: Contract Horizon will no longer be available for purchase. Please contact the sales team for any enquiries and for corporate package options on +44 (0)20 7665 2446.

NEC presents Contract Horizon, an online format that makes compiling our industry leading NEC contracts even easier than before. Maximise control, flexibility and security and enable your procurement team to be even more agile.

Faster contract completion
In-built contract insights and simple collaboration tools drive drafts and progress.

Easy collaboration across your organisation
A single view of each NEC contract your organisation initiates, which multiple parties from different disciplines in your business can see and contribute to.

Knowledge is shared and retained
Ongoing collaboration across multiple contracts means knowledge is shared across teams and retained in your organisation.

Intuitive interface increases efficiencies
An intuitive dashboard ensures users can select clauses, make comments, fill in forms, access past versions, review activity and upload attachments with a few clicks.

Simple compilation and sign-off
Contract templates, past contracts, previous annotations and amendments are all stored for reference and make creating a new contract easier.

Contact NEC now to arrange a demo and see how you can unlock the power of Contract Horizon.
+ 44 (0)20 7665 2446

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How X29 can support implementation of the revised PAS 2080:2023

How X29 can support implementation of the revised PAS 2080:2023

PAS 2080 emphasises system-level change, integration of carbon implications into climate resilience and prioritising nature-based solutions. NEC4 Secondary Option X29 can directly support this.

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Government recommended guidance promotes integration of FAC-1 with NEC4 contracts

Government recommended guidance promotes integration of FAC-1 with NEC4 contracts

At the NEC User’s Group conference this year, NEC and the Association of Consultant Architects launched new guidance on using NEC4 contracts with the ACA Framework Alliance Contract 1 (FAC-1).

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Disallowed cost and the cost of subcontractor disputes in NEC4 ECC

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