NEC4: Preparing an Alliance Contract

NEC4: Preparing an Alliance Contract
Paperbound gives you
  • Our high-quality printed paperbound contract
Paperbound doesn't give you
  • The ability to print your contract
  • A digital copy of this contract

Our high-quality printed paperbound contract.

ePrint gives you
  • Digital documents that can be accessed and printed for a period of 12 months
  • The flexibility to administer a number of NEC projects on a day-to-day basis
ePrint doesn't give you
  • Access for multiple users or devices
  • Cannot be used for third party training, conferences or in the external digital environment

ePrint gives an unlimited print facility for an individual user to print as many times as necessary for the purpose of obtaining tenders, awarding and administering contracts. It may not be used for third party training, conferences or in the external digital environment. Valid for 12 months.

eView gives you
  • Digital document versions to view and search for a period of up to 12 months.
eView doesn't give you
  • The ability to print your contract
  • Access for multiple users or devices

eView gives an unlimited view facility for an individual user to search and view as many times as necessary. Valid for 12 months



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This document will provide guidance on the contract preparation for an NEC4 Alliance Contract (ALC).